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最近看了一篇论文《Strengtheningthe Student Toolbox, study strategies to Boost learning》,将论文中提到的10种学习策略以及其有效性对比简单摘录如下:


  1. Practice testing: self-testing or taking practice tests onto-be-learned material. 小练习小测试,比如课堂教学结束之后老师给学生出题,比如自己和同学之间互相出题;知晓哪些自己已知,哪些未知。
  2. Distributed practice: implementing a schedule of practice that spreads out study activities over time. 拼写连写来举例子,每个单词写x遍,两种方法:①一个单词写x遍,再写下一个,直到最后称为massed practice②一个单词写完就写下一个,这样整体重复x遍,称为distributed practice。常见的一个实际例子就是考前一个晚上突击还是考前几个晚上分批次突击。
  3. Interleaved practice: implementing a schedule of practicethat mixes di erent kinds of problems, or a schedule of study that mixes di erent kinds of material, within a single study session. 交叉混合不同的话题;有利用长时记忆。比如数学作业中穿插不同章节的知识点,而不是只包含当前章节的知识点。
  4. elaborative interrogation: generating an explanation for why an explicitly stated fact or concept is true. 详尽审查,思考为什么是正确的以及如何证明是正确的。
  5. self-explanation: explaining how new information isrelated to known information, or explaining steps taken during problem solving. 该方法会让学习者聚焦于当前的内容,并整合已有的知识;完全使用自己的语言表达出来(有时候会出现一种情况,一个知识用作者的语言可以表达出来,但是无法用通俗易懂的知识表达出来,原因就是因为没有和自己的知识结合起来,没有做到真正的理解)。
  6. rereading: restudying text material again after an initial reading. 重读对理解知识没有帮助,产生的作用持续时间也不会很长。
  7. highlighting and underlining: marking potentiallyimportant portions of to-be-learned materials whilereading. 划重点或者标注,效果很差,甚至有些试验表明,反而会起到反作用(我的理解就跟搜藏电子书而不是阅读一个效果,因为笔者偶尔会有一个行为,读到一段精妙绝伦的文字,不是仔细阅读并理解,而是将其进行标注完事,放佛标注了就成自己的)。
  8. summarization: writing summaries (of various lengths) ofto-be-learned texts.
  9. Keyword mnemonic: using keywords and mental imageryto associate verbal materials.
  10. Imagery for text: attempting to form mental images of textmaterials while reading or listening.


TechniqueExtent and Conditions of Effectiveness
Practice testingVery effective under a wide array of situations
Distributed practiceVery effective under a wide array of situations
Interleaved practicePromising for math and concept learning, but needs more research
Elaborative interrogationPromising, but needs more research
Self-explanationPromising, but needs more research
RereadingDistributed rereading can be helpful, but time could be better spent using another strategy
highlighting and underliningNot particularly helpful, but can be used as a first step toward further study
Summarizationhelpful only with training on how to summarize
Keyword mnemonicSomewhat helpful for learning languages, but benets are short-lived
Imagery for textBene ts limited to imagery-friendly text, and needs more research


