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安装之前需要先安装 ①MySQL-devel-VERSION.i386.rpm。The libraries and include files that are needed if you want to compile other MySQL clients, such as the Perl modules。...

mysql crash with create temporary innodb table

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mysql5.5中create tempory table with innodb engine会造成mysqld crash掉 mysql@>create temporary table test1(id int) engine=innodb; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.0...


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xtrabackup是percona公司创建并维护的项目,提供innodb引擎的在线备份。 xtrabackup提供了两种命令行工具: xtrabackup:用于备份InnoDB引擎的数据(不会备份myisam比如mysql权限相关表等,也不会自动copy frm文件); innobackupex:一个perl脚...


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Response Time Distribution query_response_time_stats设置是否开启,默认[0] 通过query_response_time_range_base设置range_base (range_base ^ n; range_base ^ (n+1)] 通过SELECT *...